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How we work together 

"The Vision that you glorify in your mind, the Ideal that you enthrone in your heart - this you will build your life by, this you will become" James Allen

In order to create real human impact I work with clients over a period of 6-12 months. Anything less won't support the transformation you want to see. 

As we are all different you won't get a one size fits all approach but a personalised plan tailored around you. 


My approach is holistic and together we will work on:


  • VISION to get in touch with your calling

  • STRATEGY to get where you want to be

  • MINDSET to make your belief system work for you

  • SKILLSET to get everything you need to implement the strategy

  • ENERGY to build resilience for a balanced life 


I will be 100% committed to your commitment to act and take responsibility for your life.


When you are ready, let's have a conversation on how you can transform any aspect of your life.  


Get in touch to experience a powerful coaching conversation. 



Through the coaching relationship, you will become aware of what you really want and what is currently holding you back from the life you desire. Together we’ll set compelling goals, develop a successful strategy, find ways to overcome challenges and develop more resourceful ways of thinking in order to make a lasting change and get the life you desire.


Transform the story of your life by learning how to take control of your subconscious mind and consciously decide your response to whatever happens to you. Learn how you can CHOOSE and DECIDE what and how you think, where to focus your mind on and what kind of words to use to shape your life script. 


Whereas the brain has undisputedly unlimited power, there is another organ that communicates to the brain in a miraculous way: the heart. With HeartMath techniques I will show you how to integrate resilience skills into your daily life to become better at handling the day-to-day challenges and stressors that often leave us depleted.

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